Latest posts by Oiwan Lam from December, 2009
China: White-listing the Internet?
According to today's the Beijing News and Mingpao, The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) is preparing to white-listing the whole Internet under the pretext of proliferation of pornography...
China: Online protest against CNNIC
A group of webmasters puts up a protest website called FuckCNNIC to protest against the recent policy that bans individuals from registering CN domain. Last week, the China Internet Network...
China: Battle against containment
A diagram has been circulated through twitter indicating how netizens in China fight against information blocking and manipulation by state institution in the past few days. Below is a translated...
China: English news translation platform shut down
A popular translation website was shut down by Chinese authority last week. The website had been online for two and a half year. It translated news content from English...